Questions and Answers

(Excerps from question and answer sessions given by Stuart Wilde)

Are Our Thoughts Our Own?

Q: In your books, Stuart, you ask us how we know that our thoughts are ours. What do you mean by that, and if our thoughts aren't ours, whose are they?

A: We presume that our thoughts are ours because no one has ever challenged the idea. Modern technology can scan the brain and watch it working, but it can't scan thoughts. You can stimulate the brain and ask the patient what they are feeling, or what reaction that stimulation caused, but you can't know exactly what a mind is thinking. Nor can you be certain that the electrical impulses you are observing are a result of that person' s particular consciousness or some incoming thought from elsewhere.

I know this idea sounds bizarre and most neurologists would say it's crazy. I'm not saying the neurologists are wrong. It's just that they are looking at consciousness and the brain in an external, logical way rather than from a multidimensional view of mind and consciousness beyond the 3-D rotation, where thoughts flow back and forth instantly and automatically.

Now, this question would need 50 pages to really explain it properly, but here is the gist of it.

There is no space in consciousness, no distance. There are levels of perception layered by oscillation like strata of a cake, but it's all the same cake. Every bit of the global mind is technically able to be aware of every other bit, and how much you are aware of is limited by individual development. But it's all there. The consciousness we are normally aware of, the thing we call our "mind", is trained by, and a product of, its social situation — its location in the 3-D state. So ideas coming in from others don't seem strange because they are coming in from minds that are likewise programmed. So it's hard for an individual to realize that there are thoughts coming into their mind that are not their own.

If an incoming thought is totally out in left field, like it expresses a totally unknown idea or technology, then you might be able to say that it's not your own thought, for you would know that you didn't know those facts or that you weren't familiar with those ideas. But ideas that flood in are from ordinary people with the same ideas and motivations as yourself. So it's very hard sometimes to figure out what your ideas and impulses are, and what comes from other individuals or even from the collective mind of humankind.

It is natural to presume that the thoughts that come into your mind are automatically your thoughts. However, I believe we're all interconnected and that a fairly substantial percentage of your ideas — especially those that relate to people, places, and social situations outside your immediate life, or ideas of an inspirational nature — come into your mind from somewhere else.

Rupert Sheldrake talks a lot about morphic resonance. He maintains that we are all interconnected, so that when one person learns a task, it automatically becomes easier for other people to learn the same task. Evidence of this occurred after Roger Bannister managed to run a four-minute mile. For thousands of years, people tried to accomplish this feat, but as soon as Roger Bannister did it, a barrier was torn down and a dozen did exactly the same as Bannister shortly thereafter. Sheldrake says, for example, that through morphic resonance, people doing the crossword puzzle in the evening find it easier to do than the people who did it in the morning when the paper first came out, because there had already been an impact on that particular morphic field — the answers had been deduced by others.

What I've said in my books is, because one can project thoughts into people's minds and because one can move one's subtle body into the force field or physical body of another person, we cannot categorically say that all the thoughts we have are ours. In the extreme case of mass hysteria or collective hallucinations, for example, you can see how ideas jump so rapidly that instantaneously a group of people can act completely irrationally. Fear can also jump from one person to the next. If the person next to you is scared, it makes you feel uncomfortable and insecure. You can test this for yourself by getting on any airline flight that has a lot of first-time flyers, or vacationers who are not used to flying often. The fear you feel as you walk through the plane is intense, and it jumps back and forth between the passengers, affecting all of them. Yet in the coach section, it's more intense than, say, in first class, where there's usually a sense of tranquility. This is because there are fewer seats and they're spaced farther apart. The ease you feel in first class has nothing to do with the fact that they're going to serve you caviar and champagne once the aircraft takes off — it's all to do with the fact that there is less psychic pollution in first class.

Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime?

Q: lf people ask you for money, should you give it to them, and why?

A: In my book The Force, I suggest giving people the things they ask for. However, I've found myself getting into a lot of trouble with this over the years because I didn't mean you had to give your whole life away. What I meant was, if somebody asks to borrow the lawnmower, lend it to them. In other words, don't be a tight ass — be open, loving, and free, and share your abundance.

When people ask you for money, what they're really asking for is energy, and they shouldn't do it because we're each responsible for generating our own energy. I must say I don't like lending people money. I've found that when you do so, eight times out of ten that's the last you see of them and the money. What you have to do is either say no, or just give them the money. Then there is no energy around 'who owes whom'.

Generally speaking, I think it's good to be open and to share. However, if somebody comes along and they want your trousers, you don't have to take them off and walk around in your underwear. There is a natural balance between being generous and not allowing people to use you.

Q: If you are a generous person and allow your money to flow, is it then okay to ask other people for money if you hit a rough patch?

A: Yes, I don't think it is a problem asking people for money if you hit a rough patch. The important thing is you're not going to make other people responsible for your energy.

One of the big problems in Western societies is that somehow people are becoming convinced that somebody else owes them a living, medical care, and welfare — "I'm a single mother, I'm entitled to a free home and money," "I'm a divorced father," "I'm unemployed." Of course, metaphysically speaking, that isn't correct. There is definitely a place for charity and kindness, but the idea that you can just underwrite someone's energy forever is absolute rubbish metaphysically, and it creates a warped, somewhat sick society.

I lay the blame for the disease of our societies partly on television and partly on the idea that, because you are a citizen, you are automatically owed enough energy to sustain yourself. When there is no call for you to sustain the energy yourself, the ego kicks back and becomes self-indulgent and lazy. Our societies suffer enormously from the projections of these characteristics.

Asking for money is fine if you need to, as long as you give it back when you're in the flow and don't make a habit of it. In the end, you have to believe in yourself and create your own energy.

Are There Really Soulmates?

Q: I've been in a number of unhealthy relationships that have left me drained and fragile. I hang on to the belief that my soulmate is out there somewhere. Am I living in a fantasy? Is there really such a thing as a soulmate?

A: There are definitely soulmates, and it's very possible that you may find somebody with whom you are compatible. However, many people who are raising their energy and working on themselves find it very difficult to sustain "old style" relationships. The patriarchal systems on which they are based are too restrictive; they are often designed to impose obligations and authority over the parties involved.

Nowadays, people who are spiritually aware and evolving need a lot of space, and it is often difficult to find another person who is secure enough to allow you to have that space. I've always recommended that you marry yourself first. I know people who have gone through formal ceremonies with themselves in the bathroom mirror. Marry yourself first, be content, be secure. Then if you can find a compatible person who is also solid and content with themselves, you have the makings of a pair of perfect soulmates.

Humans are very complex, and because we all have so many emotions to deal with and issues to work through, successful relationships also depend on a formal system of communication — not just a chat in the mornings and evenings when you've got a minute — a system whereby you spend an hour or two together on a regular basis at an appointed time, where you share your feelings, and express any concerns that have come up, without making your partner wrong. Your partner, in turn, can express their concerns, and together you can work on how things can be sustained at a high level of energy.

It's also important to remember that, nowadays, the energy of many people is oscillating so quickly, and there are so many "custodians of light" that the relationships you have can be very meaningful, and yet short. Because of the speed both of you are oscillating at, you can complete everything there is to complete in the relationship and move beyond each other quite quickly. My old teacher used to say that you come together for growth, not necessarily for life. If your relationship lasts all your life, well, that's a beautiful thing. But, of course, nowadays every relationship has to accommodate enormous amounts of change, because society is changing rapidly and we live in "high-energy" times.

Does Spirituality Belong in Politics?

Q: I read in one of your books that you can't divorce politics from spirituality. Can you explain this, Stuart?

A: The main part of our spirituality is to learn to love in a world that is intrinsically restricted and dominated by ego and fear. We have to express our spiritual journey in the context of a physical body that exists in a society, so it's impossible to divorce politics from spirituality when politics impinges so dramatically on one's freedom.

For example, a political system that is in cahoots with bankers and the multinationals will seek to write rules that sustain such an elitist association. The government is above the law, and the multinationals are beyond the law for they can take their business anywhere. So, although they have to abide by the rules theoretically, they exercise enormous power. They are the employers of the ordinary people, so it's not hard for them to get the government to write rules that serve the corporate purpose.

All this regulation and appeasing of the bankers imposes restriction upon people. The idea is to create societies of drones who will give their lives to the institutions and support the government, while the government spends money like a drunken gambler. A system that controls wages and the conditions of labor — while taxing people 55 percent or more of their income — in effect controls people's ability to express themselves, while simultaneously capturing or controlling 55 percent of their mobility.

We come to the Earth plane to purchase experiences, to collect knowledge, and to understand ourselves in the context of creativity and action. Purchasing action and experiences is part of our spiritual journey as humans. And in a political situation, where mobility is restricted and commercial activity is regulated in favor of big business, where most of the proceeds of your efforts are taken from you, it naturally reduces your ability to experience life, to learn, and grow. So one can't divorce politics from spirituality.

Unfortunately, our leaders are 35 to 40 years behind the main thrust of consciousness. The driving forces in politics have been globalization, monetary policies designed by bankers, domination by big business, surreptitious international standardization and regulation, multiculturalism, one-world government, the cashless society, and endless debt to sustain the system. The idea is to homogenize our societies, to lose or disempower the individual, to marginalize dissent via control, to manipulate the media, and to build societies of drones that will work for low wages and suffer punitive taxes to sustain the elitist order.

Yet, the mind-set of ordinary people is going the other way. They are becoming more conscious; they want to be individuals and express themselves. They have woken up to the idea that debt is a form of imprisonment. They want mobility and quality of life.

Tax was sold to people in a socialist guise, but people are waking to the reality of the old manipulation, which said that paying half or more of your money to the government was reasonable, for you were helping your fellow citizens. Of course we have come to see this for the lie it is, for much of the money never reaches the citizens. And what does reach the citizens makes them dependent on the system. It disempowers people, truncating their creativity and forward movement.

As the consciousness movement has grown, people have moved away from the manufactured mind-set of consent, and toward liberty and freedom and the empowerment of individuals and small groups of people. The hippie ashram of the 1960s was the forerunner of our society's future, where small groups work together to become self-sufficient; where society, love and friendship, leisure and time off, creativity, and care for the environment are more important than the nine-to-five imprisonment of tick-tock, which only offers the illusion of security, not actual security. Security comes from local society, friendships, connections, the love of people and God, and a respect for the natural ebb and flow of nature. Security stems from well-being and a debt-free, stress-free existence.

So, the minds of the conscious people are going one way, and the government and the institutions are going the other way. The revolutions and upheavals that were a part of the collapse of communism will become common in our Western nations as people come to realize that they are victims of a huge con game. The days of the big families, the bankers, and the sleazy political collusion that sustains the great lie are numbered. Spirituality is moving to a new level; it's a natural part of human progress, and politics is moving the other way. Politics will lose, and spirituality will win in the end.

Controlling Anger

Q: How can I control anger? I meditate often and am generally a peaceful person, but sometimes anger rises and I become overwhelmed by it.

A: Just don't be angry. You might say, "Well, that's easy enough to say, Stuart; I'm really pissed off." Don't be. What is anger? It's only a game. Something has come along and contradicted your ego — that's all that has happened. Anger comes from loss. To generate the emotion of anger, you will have to have lost something. There is no other way for anger to rise. Perhaps you've lost your importance, security, wallet, romance, job? When you are really pissed off, take a moment to figure out what you have lost. Sure enough, it will be there. Loss of prestige, loss of rhythm, loss of a promise, loss of a dream — loss of many things that you probably didn't need anyway. Once you notice what you've lost, the next move for a spiritual person is to absolutely, categorically agree to lose it. Rather than taking the loss personally, engaging the ego, and talking about justice and rights, just shrug and acknowledge what has happened. When you don't resist, you are free.

There are certain circumstances where you might feel you should chase after what you have lost, but 99 percent of the time it is incredibly futile. When you lose things, it's only the God force being kind to you. It's liberating you from stuff you honestly don't need. Think how many times you've been in a relationship in which the person left and you went absolutely crazy. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't eat, life wasn't worth living. A week later, it felt different. Three months later somebody says, "What happened to whatshisname?" and you say, "Who?"

The other thing to remember about anger is that much of it comes from your early childhood. The dysfunctions, abuse, abandonment, and mistreatment that we suffer in our early years stays with us. The only real way to become a complete person is to look at the pain and the suffering, and release that anger. Sometimes it's useful to bang cushions or to talk to a therapist, but you can never be completely free of anger unless you go back to those things that are very deeply programmed inside of you — the things that caused you hurt, pain, guilt, and resentment in your early years.

Can We Stop the Destruction?

Q: How can we stop the planet from destruction? When I read the papers or hear the news, I get the feeling that there isn't much we can do to save it. Our natural resources are being usurped and polluted, and people are starving. Is it too late?

A: The idea that this planet is lacking in things is a concept for the brain-dead. We've got more than we can ever cope with. The idea that it is all falling apart is true. The ego's world is falling apart; the ego's opinion, the world ego, our national egos are all falling apart. But our planet isn't. Our planet is fine. Yes, we have to care for it and look after it, but it isn't about to collapse.

Every generation of people that has been on this planet has thought this was the end, because the ego cannot reconcile its own end. If it is conking out, then everything else must be conking out, too. It's that apocalyptic "end-of-the-world" idea that the ego has. It thinks, Hey if I'm dying, everyone else has to die, too. I can't be the only twit who has conked out while everybody else is having a nice time. You can see it for what it is -- nothing more than your opinions.

Get away from your opinions, don't worry about it when things contradict you, don't worry about it when you hear things you don't like, and don't worry about how it is supposed to be. Just stay focused on who you are and what you want. If you keep moving, suddenly this etheric inside of you will start to grow very quickly because you will be liberated.

Developing Spiritual Balance

Q: In your tape series "Loving Relationships" you explain how females have a natural spiritual balance. You also mention that when women figure that out and stop trying to compete with male energies, they will begin to know their power. Do you have any thoughts on how they might be able to do this in a balanced way? It seems like the role models we see of women who have "made it" today are women who have done so by pushing their way through.

A: It's true that we seem to see the role models who take a more "yang" pushy attitude to life.

However, you have to qualify what you mean by "making it". In the ego's currency, "making it" is money, glamour, success, power, fast cars, and the like. In my view, making it is more of a spiritual exercise, so there are millions upon millions of women who have made it quietly in a spiritual way who would not be considered successful in the ego's world.

If you adopt the ego's currency for your life, then you do have to push. We live in a patriarchal society that requires yang types of action, investment, shoving, self-advertising, and so on. If you work in the currency of the higher self or the infinite self, then making it is something very different.

Obviously, one needs to develop a balance -- a certain amount of "making it" in order to be creatively and financially successful, and a certain amount of embracing one's feminine spirituality. I know loads of soft, feminine ladies who are self-made millionaires, so it can be done.

Women have to walk a fine line between making a living and asserting themselves so they're not used and manipulated by other people. But then again, the balance is the same for males, because the tendency for males is to push so hard and to strive with such zeal that they push the very thing they want away from themselves. Many males tend to overwork themselves and lose track of their childlike qualities and their inner yin softness.

Detaching from Acceptance

Q: In your book "Affirmations", you talk about learning to detach from acceptance. I find I'm constantly searching for acceptance from others. I realize this is probably because I don't accept myself. Have you any suggestions on how I can cultivate more self-acceptance and stop putting myself down so much?

A: The need for acceptance from others is a natural human tendency. However, the basis of it comes from insecurity It stems from the way we interacted with our family members, siblings, and friends as a young person.

As we grow up through our teenage years, we find the need to join the society of our friends, and - in order to join the society and feel solid as a personality -- we program ourselves into needing people's acceptance. Accepting yourself is an act of spiritual empowerment because it allows you to understand that you didn't come here to be perfect. You can absolve yourself of your deficiencies and promise to try harder in the future, and you can accept your successes and your strengths.

In that humility and spirituality, you understand that you have a perfection that exists in the light of God; you are potentially an angel inside a physical body. Security comes from feeling connected to all things. It is beyond the intellect, the personality, and the mind. It's an inner sense of knowing, which only comes once you've managed to control the mind.

So, once you see yourself from an infinite perspective and don't need to win people's acceptance, you can be kinder and more gentle toward yourself. You can understand that you're in a state of imperfection -- that you're here on this Earth plane to learn from it, and to gradually improve, strengthen, and return back to the light where you and I and all of us belong.

Q: In "Silent Power" you write, "Trying to win people over and hoping the world will accept you for your wonderfulness is futile and weak." I find I have to do this every day in the business world. I work in advertising and find that my career is all about trying to impress others. It certainly becomes tiresome, but how can I avoid it?

A: Trying to win people over in business -- where you're trying to sell them a story, a commercial idea, or a product -- is completely different from trying to win acceptance by accommodating people in your private life. Naturally, if you're working in advertising, you have to make the right noises and rub people's egos the right way in order to be successful.

However, whether in business or in your private life, the secret is to impose firm boundaries. It's a matter of saying: "When you do this, I will react like that", or "This kind of action is not acceptable to me". You have to let people know what you will accept and what you won't accept without any rancor. With good boundaries, you don't need to win people over, and you can always keep people from violating your space. You can have an individual identity and an individual set of rules, and as long as you can explain this to people equitably and kindly, they can either abide by the rules or they can walk away. Or, alternatively, you can walk away.

Communicating Silently

Q: You talk about "silent communication" in your books. What exactly do you mean by that?

A: I have come to believe, through watching the etheric state, that we are all in silent subliminal dialogue with each other. I've observed the flashes of energy that pass back and forth between people, and I've seen people react to thoughts that are projected toward them. Thoughts jump. How many times have you been thinking about something obscure and the person next to you mentions the very same thing?

Silent communication generally comes about when you are thinking in the direction of another person rather than concentrating inwardly toward your own thoughts and feelings. Silent communication can be in the form of prayers uttered silently toward people, or silent affirmations. Then there is actual dialogue that is spoken mentally in the direction of another person. It is telepathic transfer of energy, and hopefully it is silent dialogue that offers love or encouragement of some sort.

Also, in the etheric state, you have the ability to step into the subtle energy of another person. For example, in my Developing the Sixth Sense tape series. I talk about moving the etheric -- the subtle body -- out of your physical body, turning your subtle body to face you, and then stepping backwards with your etheric into the physical body of a person you're talking to. Visiting another person etherically in this way is okay, providing you're not manipulating them or making them do things they don't want to do. It's a way of being with them, concentrating on that person. In the end, concentration is a form of love; when you're focusing upon a person, you are in the act of loving them.

Try this: Start projecting love to people as you pass them in the street. The idea is to imagine (generate) a deep and resonating sense of love in your heart and expel a short breath, bring the love in another person's direction -- try to hit them in the heart with your love missile. Pick total strangers. Velocity is the key. Breathe out a short sharp breath and use the force of your will, and whack 'am hard in the heart with all the love you can muster.

And as you touch them etherically with your fast-moving dollop of love, notice them blink or move their eyes suddenly. Sometimes you'll see them turn around like they're looking for where the energy came from, but they don't understand what it is they are feeling. Often you'll see them smile, and sometimes they'll start talking to themselves. It's a fun game, but it tires you out after a while so don't overdo it.

Health warning: If you manipulate or project evil, or you use your powers to the detriment of others, you create a lot of bad karma. Gradually those evil thoughts and projections move from their initial evil state, and they begin to solidify on the astral plane. They take on a phantasmagorical form that comes alive and gradually develops a mind of its own. It needs energy to sustain itself, and the first available source of energy is your life force, so the phantom you have created by your thoughts starts to suck on you, making you sick, tired, and listless. Eventually it can kill you. You get eaten by your own monster.

Leadership Today

Q: If you had the opportunity to stand before all the word leaders, what would you say to them?

A: I don't know whether the wisdom of our planet ever rests with our leaders. It lies mostly with wise men and women who are not in the spotlight. I think by the very virtue of being on the podium, up on the stage, on the throne, head of all, they are usually complete idiots.

However, if I had a chance to stand before the world leaders, I would tell them they cannot continue the way they're going. Firstly, we have to have respect for our planet's well-being. Second, we have to have respect for the spiritual development of humanity. I'd also point out to the leaders that their thinking is old-fashioned, and that in order for them to stay in power, they have to let go and allow people to be. Then I think I would say, "You're fired!" because I don't see how the current leaders will change; they belong to an old evolution that is unnatural and outdated.

What we need is to change our leaders without hurting anyone and without any violence. The way these characters are running our planet into the ground is very bad karma. Eventually people will wake up and get very pissed off, and the leaders will be in serious trouble. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt. I think I'd ask the leaders politely to quit while they safely can. With the change in spirituality and the velocity of the worldwide expansion in consciousness, the current system won't last.

As people's consciousness evolves, countries become less able to be governed. People just won't accept the manipulative control and power from the upper echelons. They don't regard the leaders as ambassadors capable of overseeing the real needs of society. Leaders no longer command as much respect, because most of them are sleazebags, liars, and phonies, and everybody knows it. If we had honorable leaders like Gandhi, I'm sure people would give them a lot more respect. But the fact is, in this stage of our evolution, we are pulling to us the kinds of leaders that reflect a selfish, egomad attitude that is part of the way society is.

A Spiritual Revolution

Q: How can we help usher a spiritual revolution on Earth at a faster rate? It frustrates me when I see and experience the ignorance that rules our planet.

A: I'm working on a novel that discusses the concept of the "professional waiter". The professional waiter is a person who can wait inside their infinity, opposed to an amateur waiter who waits inside their emotions. So an amateur waiter can wait for 20 minutes or so, but in the end their personality dominates and they get impatient. The professional waiter is immortal and can just wait forever. So we don't have to do anything to create a spiritual revolution on our planet, other than embrace spiritual ideas inside our hearts, bypassing our fears and attempting to live this new evolution.

Our systems are categorically, absolutely, bound to collapse. They have absolutely no place they can go other than fall apart. Why? Because until they fall apart, we can never set our people free, and the desire in the hearts and souls of people is freedom. At the moment, most people can't embrace freedom because it is scary, so they are playing freedom "nip and tuck". But once they understand what freedom is all about, the systems will disappear, possibly by the next generation. We don't have to do anything -- just wait and watch the systems crumble.

Q: What will be the biggest spiritual challenge in the new millennium?

A: I think the biggest spiritual challenge in the new millennium will be trying to sustain a spiritual stance of love, kindness, and benevolence in what will be a chaotically imbalance society. If you haven't figured out where you're going to retreat to in the first few years of the century and onwards, you should start thinking about it. You're going to want a bit of distance from the run-of-the-mill energy of the collective evolution.

Q: I like the idea of moving into a new dimension of existence of Earth, but how can I prepare myself for change? Already I see the world hurling toward virtual collapse, and it seems rather daunting.

A: I like watching things crumble, especially when what is crumbling is the institutional, patriarchal dominance of people. As you watch it crumbling, rather than being scared and wondering whether the insurance company will pay up, know that the true insurance is in your energy and in your ability. Your guarantee lies in your skills and enthusiasm, in your love for your family and friends, and in your courage. What will happen? You'll be fine. As you begin to move away from the evolution of people, you move away from tribal emotions and its level of energy. You will then be able to walk through the middle of a riot and nobody will notice you. Just continue to believe that your life is sacred, and the upcoming changes won't seem so daunting.

Changing Yourself & Your Past

Q: If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?

A: I presume this question doesn't mean physically, because honestly I'd rather look like Tom Cruise than Stuart Wilde. But in relation to myself and my life, I really wouldn't change that much because, the way it is, is the way it is. I feel that each of us has to accept the way we find ourselves. I don't think we ever really stray very far from our destiny. I follow my destiny and feel fairly happy with it.

Q: If you could go back and change one thing from your past, what would it be?

A: What is past is past, and to hanker to change things is a bit of a worthless exercise. I feel that I have followed my path strongly in this lifetime. Although I made some mistakes, when I look back at them years later, they weren't really mistakes. I could have chosen A or I could have chosen B, and I made my choice and that was it. So I don't think there are a lot of things I would change.

I left Africa when I was ten and went to an English boarding school, and I always considered that a great misfortune. Perhaps I could have stayed in Africa till I was 18 or so, but then my destiny may have been very different.

Perhaps I could have been more disciplined in my 20s, when I did a lot of drinking and drugs and probably knocked 10 or 20 years off my life. But then again, I had a lot of visions, opened up my consciousness, and came upon a spiritual path as a result of going through those totally crazy years. So I don't think I'd change anything.

Deceptive Power of the Ego

Q: Why are we so afraid of changing the way we perceive ourselves? I know you write about the deceptive power of the ego in many of your books and it makes sense, but putting it into practice is different.

A: In the laws of the ego, you are not allowed to die. We spend millions making our ego feel special. In the laws of the ego, you cannot assail the ego's emotions. Our emotions are nothing more than an extension of the ego's opinions -- nothing more. We elevate our emotions to a great scale. For the most part, our emotions are theatrical manifestations of the ego's opinions. For example, I want you to mow my lawn, you don't want to do it, and so I get aggressive or make threats. You get scared and mow the lawn. Simple. They are forms of manipulation. Even what we call romance is only an opinion of the ego. You have an opinion and you start cranking the emotion. So we live as prisoners of these opinions.

We establish these ideas such as "I have to be this . . . people have to see me in this way . . . things should be like that. . . ," and we create a legislation, a parliament. So our lives as individuals are exactly the same as our government. If you see your government as corrupt, if you see it as ineffectual, weak, full of itself, it is only a manifestation of the national mind-set.

All of the democracies are the same. In fact, we don't even have democracies -- all we have is a benign version of fascism. Why? Because a few fascist bastards control everything through secrecy, through manipulation of information, and obscuring the facts. You see them on television every night, and it is the wolf talking. But who talks for the chickens? We don't have anybody that talks for us.

Have you ever heard anybody get up on television and say, "Let's get rid of this bunch of twits and scrub the systems?" It doesn't honor our people, it doesn't allow them to be free, it doesn't do anything for them. This perpetual injection of fear that you get is nonsense. Most humans die in their bed at a ripe old age -- at least 90 percent in Western democracies. The idea that you are going to be raped and murdered and shot and killed by a bus is rubbish. There are very few people who need that experience.

I fly for a living, and every time I get on a plane that is empty, I feel incredibly safe because no empty planes crash. They just don't. They are always full when they go down. Why? Because there are millions of spirits who think, I've had enough of this crap; I am out of here. And their inner self says, Here, try Flight 108 going to Timbuktu, that'll work. It will be terribly quick. You'll have a few moments where you are scared shitless, but then you'll be out of there.

The fact is, we are prisoners of our political egos, we are prisoners of these systems that are based on control. But here we are, fringe dwellers who feel different and who are different. We can't knock these systems down just yet, and we don't need to. The rebirth of Camelot, the rebirth of chivalry, the rebirth of goodness, the rebirth of fairness -- real fairness, not emotional or political fairness, but real fairness based on energy -- is coming.

But you'll have to be patient -- and if you are an infinite being, you can be patient forever.

Love, Marriage & Divorce

Q: What are your views on marriage and divorce?

A: Marriage was invented a long time ago as a contract between a heterosexual male and a heterosexual female. We can only trace romantic love back to about a thousand years ago. Prior to that, there wasn't any romantic love. It's an idea that has been invented, like a philosophy or a religion. It has been made very special.

In the olden days, when life expectancy was short and people lived 30 or 40 years at most, the idea of men and women being together for their whole lives was feasible, especially as they lived in the context of a sluggish energy that didn't change much. There wasn't a lot of difference between England in the 1400s and the 1700s, when it came to sexuality, marriage, relationships, and so on.

Sexuality burst open with the advent of the Pill and other birth control methods, and now relationships can move so much more quickly. Some marriages might last only 20 minutes, because everything has been said and done in that time. I think marriages, relationships, and energy get used up faster because our society is moving faster.

Also, somebody has to rethink how marriage works, because obviously the patriarchal system -- where the male dominates and the female gives birth and stays in the home -- is not appropriate for everyone anymore. Yet in tossing that idea out, we often have these archaic ideas that if the marriage doesn't work, the male is somehow supposed to sustain the female. So, on the one hand, we don't like the idea of the male dominating the female in the house, but once the male leaves, the law can say it's his responsibility to give the woman the home and sustain her. Of course, this creates a lot of problems because things are changing. We have to come to a middle ground where people think about what they actually want, or what is fair.

It's always seemed to me that romance is a money-making business. I used to say this in my seminars and receive howls of protest. Everybody likes to think that romance is a pristine special thing and nobody is thinking of cash, security, prenuptial settlements, postnuptial divorce payments, and so on. I've always had the impression that in the USA, in spite of their modern way of thinking, when it comes to Saturday night and everybody's partying, there's a lot of horse trading going on. The guy who is rich and successful gets plenty of ladies, and the guy who doesn't have any money gets less. So there must be something about the economy of romance that seems to attract ladies up the higher end of the economic scale. Then again, you may possibly fall in love with a tramp if that's what you're supposed to do in this lifetime.

I don't think there will ever be a simple answer to marriage and divorce. Basically there is no point in hanging out with somebody you don't like. However, having said that, I do believe that there is a validity in staying together for the sake of children. So some people make a compromise. The rules of marriage are going to have to be rewritten. I'm not keen on the idea of single mothers, because I think children need the presence and influence of their father. I'm definitely not keen on the idea of single mothers raising kids with money from the government. So the whole thing is in a state of flux... we'll have to wait and see.

Whether you're heterosexual or gay, a sacred commitment is wonderful and can really increase your energy. It doesn't have to be a formal marriage, but by making that commitment, metaphysically you will bounce off your partner, and your partner will bounce off you, and bit by bit you can build each other up. You are reflected in your partner, and he or she is reflected in you, so you learn about yourself while simultaneously raising your energy. A solid, committed relationship is a wonderful thing and can create a lot of power. It can also be destructive and debilitating when it isn't going well. So it's a risky business.

Debt and Welfare

Q: It seems to me that you are against the welfare state, but surely we need a system that provides for the weaker members of society.

A: We do need a system that provides for people, but we don’t need the current system. Debt is one of the mechanisms used by big business and government to control ordinary people. Welfare is a form of debt. Let me explain. When a recipient gets his or her benefit check, they don’t have to pay the money back, so they are under the illusion that they don’t owe anyone. But in reality they have incurred a debt on an energy level; they’ve gotten something for nothing.

The entire universe is designed around some very simple laws relating to energy and how it is generated, conserved, or used. Some say God designed those laws; others say it had to be that way in order for this universe to exist. Whatever your view, the laws that govern energy are natural and symmetric, and they are equally applicable on our planet as they are in a galaxy two billion light years away. Now, you can use emotion, ego, politics, big business, power, greed, and control trips to ternporarily bend those universal rules, but in the end, the natural law is bigger than the manipulators and their ability to bend circumstances.

The first law of thermodynamics underwrites the whole universe, and it requires the conservation of energy, or more precisely, the sum of mass and energy is conserved. In other words there is no “free lunch” in the natural law. The government borrows money to sustain the welfare state, and in the end there will be an implosion of energy to correct the imbalance.

The sort of welfare state we need is one that assists the weak and helpless, and empowers the able-bodied. If every able-bodied person that receives money from the government was suddenly cut off, the taxpayers could easily afford and sustain those that are really in need. Over the years, however, the system has encouraged everyone to expect payment for simply existing. The natural laws will not allow this state to exist forever. An electron can borrow energy for a split second to move to a higher orbit, but an instant later it has to pay it back and return (decay) to its natural state — the state that it can sustain with its own natural energy. Our societies will have to make the correction, for we are allowing the ego to let us oscillate at a higher level on borrowed energy. The current system based on ego, politics, and illusion is, in fact, unnatural, and it will have to adjust or mayhem will ensue.

Can You Stop People Projecting Thoughts in Your Mind?

Q: If you were trained, could you put thoughts into other people’s minds?

A: Over the years, I’ve come to believe that there is only one consciousness that links all of us. So I don’t believe you really need training to put thoughts into other people’s minds — it’s an ongoing and natural process.

Our separation from each other is an illusion created by the ego/personality. We’re all inside the one molecule of consciousness, the global mind — we’re interconnected. In order to be aware of other people’s thoughts, or to project your thoughts powerfully to them, you have to create an uncluttered mind. So you have to turn down the mental radio of your inner dialogue so you’ll hear the whispers coming through the walls from the skulls of others.

Q: How can you stop people projecting thoughts into your mind?

A: Psychic intrusion is a problem because we all exist inside the same mind, so it’s difficult to protect yourself from other parts of yourself. Furthermore, if you are a sexually active being, it’s impossible to ward off the sexuality projected toward you. You can only stop that incoming sexual energy if you are celibate.

The best way to protect yourself from the negative thoughts of others is to look deep within yourself and process your own negative thoughts and feelings. You have to look at your shadow — all those resentments and hatreds and ill will and the anger that may lurk deep within. If you have nothing but love in your heart, little can affect you. Also, if you believe in yourself, and your etheric is strong and lively, most thoughts that carry ill feeling, will bounce off you.

For some time now I have been trying to figure out what process and technologies might work best for etheric protection. How do you stop people leaning up against your subtle body or penetrating it? In the case of people who report UFO abductions—which in most cases I believe are etheric abductions — I’m interested in how they can help protect themselves from unwanted intrusions, losing time and all the other terrifying phenomena reported by the abductees. I wish I could say I have the answer. I don’t as yet have a solid methodology to offer.

Wilde About Abundance

Q: If someone in a store undercharges you without realizing it, is it best to own up, or thank the universe for delivering more abundance?

A: If someone undercharges you and you notice it, pay them the right amount, especially if you agreed upon the price. If the assistant gives you more change than you’re entitled to and you notice it, then it’s only honorable and decent to give that money back. I think it’s very important to be honorable, correct, and honest in your dealings with people. Then again, if you’re walking down the street and find $1,000 on the ground and it doesn’t belong to anybody in particular, then it’s yours.

Q: In the eyes of the universe, is it dishonorable not to pay back money you owe?

A: In the universality of Spirit, there is no high or low, good or bad, honest or dishonest. However, in one’s own personal morality, there has to be. So, if you borrow money from people, you are entitled to pay it back, especially if you have consumed it personally. If you lose money that you borrowed for a business venture and all parties agreed to the risk, then you don’t have to pay it back. If you borrow $5,000 from a group of people who are offering capital to start a fruit store and the store falters, well, that’s just a commercial risk. It depends on the terms and conditions under which you have taken the money in the first place.

Q: Do you think there will ever come a time when world economies collapse and paper money is worthless?

A: Yes, definitely, in fact, it’s actually happening as we speak, because the paper money of the major trading nations is decreasing in value with every year that passes. The total amount of government debt is rising, with America leading the way. So, there will be a time when paper tender will become worthless and a new paper currency will be created. Of course, at that point you will need to be in gold or assets if you don’t want to lose everything.

Q: What do you feel are the most sound investments to make in the coming years?

A: I've become very confused as to what a sound investment is. I’ve been watching the stock markets climb into the stratosphere and beyond any expectations that I had. I’m not keen on stocks and shares anymore because, although they keep rising, they have to fall eventually. I think sound investments will be small real estate holdings with a few acres of land in rural areas that are nice and safe and a long way from urban cities. That’s my idea of a sound investment. In the past I’ve never been keen on real estate, but I’ve changed my mind now.

Wilde About Letting Go

Q: In your tape series and book Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power, you discuss the courage of letting go in Step 3. When people tell you to "let go" of pain, anger, guilt, fear, and so on, exactly how do you do it? I've tried letting go in visualizations and meditations, but I find that I still haven't really let go in my everyday life. What practical things can I do from day to day to let go?

A: Letting go is a hard one. Every part of humanity is designed to hang on. We hang on to our family connections, to the certificate we got at school, to our money, we embrace and hang on to our children, we lock our car and hang on to it. I think the whole definition of letting go is to stand outside the emotion. I talk about it a lot in my books, especially in Weight Loss for the Mind.

Letting go by visualizing and meditating is tough, because you have to concentrate on the thing you're trying to let go of. So it's a bit self-defeating. I think it's important to understand that you are not the character who is going through the emotion.

A technique I used in my meditations was to visualize myself spinning away. First, I would see myself in my mind's eye, so I'd be looking at my face. I'd see myself doing "angry" because of, let's say, a business situation. Then I'd visualize myself spinning away from the angry energy, or away from the upset. That helped me create the feeling of being able to detach myself from it, observe that it wasn't me, and recognize that it was just a reaction I was going through.

All emotion is reaction to opinion. I talk about that a lot in my books. In order to feel any emotion, positive or negative, you have to first have an opinion. Usually the way to go past it all is to change the opinion. In other words, life isn't necessarily going to go the way you want it. It's not necessarily going to be in this way, on that day, at this time, in that format, and so on. The most important thing is to hang loose and go with the flow, bro'.

Joan of Arc and Spiritual Terrorism

Q: In Whispering Winds of Change you talk about "spiritual terrorists." You somehow make them responsible for changing the evolution of the globe. Could you explain who they are? How do you see them changing planet Earth's evolution?

A: I refer to spiritual terrorists as those people who are quietly creating a metaphysical/spiritual/psychological change in the world. Rules and regulations imposed on society are there to sustain the status quo, to impose control through terror, and fear of retribution. Society will not accept anything that is contradictory to the status quo, the power base, or the government.

However, while the institutions that create these structures are theoretically chasing after anarchists, terrorists, and drug dealers, the foundation of our society is being pulled away from underneath them by the fact that there are loads of people going out there and creating a change of consciousness. Spiritual terrorists, through their own metaphysical, spiritual, and psychological journeys, are challenging the status quo.

I see nonviolent spiritual terrorists being responsible for the change in the evolution of the planet. We need a system that's less hateful, militant, and violent -- and more caring.

Q: In Whispering Winds of Change, you say that if the time was right, any one of us could "walk up to the system and take the crown back. That's exactly what we're going to do. We just have to know we can do it." Do you still believe that, and if so, when is it going to happen?

A: When Joan of Arc crowned the Dauphin as king, France was in a state of political turmoil, so it was a possibility. Right now our institutions are only changing as much as they have to. Recent years have seen a strengthening in the economy, and therefore a strengthening in the ego's position in the grip of ticktock, so to speak. So I don't think this would be the time to go in and sack the government. But in Whispering Winds of Change, I was stating that the power lies with the people. As the old adage goes, "There's nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." This idea of change is in the state of becoming.

The Biggest Spiritual Challenge

Q: What has keen the biggest spiritual challenge you have faced in your life?

A: The biggest challenge of my life hasn't really been a spiritual one, although it has been part of my spiritual quest.

I always found spirituality, the disciplines of meditation and silence, very simple. My challenge was between activity and stillness. I always got off on the adrenaline trip of being active. That's why I've traveled around so much.

In a way it was good, because I collected all the human experiences available to me. But some times, in a lot of activity, one is not really facing oneself.

Activity is sometimes a way of masking the insecurities that lie deep inside, masking your consolidated sense of self, because you're always presenting yourself in a cloud of dust as your chariot screeches to a stop.

So my biggest spiritual challenge has been to give up going on the road as a metaphysical teacher, being in city after city -- and forcing myself to quietly go within. It's a long way from the razzmatazz and the income of traveling and teaching. I must say the first few months of it were quite tough, but afterwards I actually liked the silence a lot better than the razzmatazz.


Q: Which of your spiritual achievements are you most proud of?

A: What I have done is take complex ideas and explain them simply. I've been able to get spiritual, metaphysical information across to people without a lot of elitism and waffle. I feel that has been a good thing. The other thing I've been able to do in my seminars, especially many of the more complex ones, like Warriors in the Mist, was show people the existence of the etheric dimension. I took ordinary people with no particular training and showed them how to maneuver the etheric. I think that is an achievement, because I don't believe there are many teachers who know how to do that and are prepared to stick their neck out in that way.

How Can I Be Free of Fearful Thoughts?

Q: How can I be free from the negative and fearful thoughts and emotions that dominate me?

A: Don't let yourself become a victim of your emotions. When you are scared, it isn't the real you that is scared, it is your personality interpreting circumstances that may be adverse. You are not these emotions; they don't own you. As you begin to understand that you don't belong to your emotions, then you can detach from them. It's simply a matter of saying, "I won't be victimized by my emotions".

Don't make the mistake of confusing your emotions with your feelings. Your feelings are inside the etheric. They are 500,000 times faster than you think they are. They are quick, they can move anywhere, they can look at anything. What you think are your feelings are just emotional or physical sensations, and for the most part, they are crawling along at very slow speeds. You are not these emotions. When you are scared, your personality and ego lead you to believe that you are the fear. But you can't be. It's impossible for that to happen to you. You exist as a spirit beyond these things.

If you have reconciled fear, you are free. If you accept your life, you are free. If you don't resist, you are free. It's only the ego that says you have to have a pain-free existence. It's only the ego that says you shouldn't die. It's only the ego that says you have to have glamour and importance. It's only the ego that says you have to follow the path that it wants you to follow. It's nonsense. Life will go the way it goes. And when you don't fight it, you're free. The less you fight it, the less anguish and negativity you create.

When you think about it, there is no negative energy upon our Earth plane. We live in a 100 percent positive dimension, a pure dimension of spirituality and goodness. The only form of negative energy we can experience amounts to nothing more than contradictions of the ego's opinions. If your ego believes you should be immortal and you drop dead, it's a contradiction. If your ego believes you should not experience pain and you hit your thumb with a hammer, it's a contradiction. In fact, if you didn't have an ego parliament inside your head, you could not experience negativity.

Animals live in an absolutely positive dimension. Even if an animal breaks a leg and is in pain, it doesn't think, My God, this is ghastly. It doesn't have a concept of ghastly. It doesn't have an opinion that says a broken leg is worse than a healthy leg. It has pain sensations running up its leg, but it doesn't have an opinion that resists the experience. So as you give away the resistance and reconcile death, and as you understand the incredible heroism and beauty of this existence, you can free yourself from all emotions.

Having a Big Problem with Truth?

Q: Why do you think so many people have such a big problem with truth?

A: The reason people have such a problem with truth is really a matter of two things: self-image and security. Let me explain this to you in terms of the etheric.

The etheric is the bio-electric energy field or life force that emanates from the physical body. A person who has a weak etheric doesn't have a strong sense of self.

They have been squashed down in life, victimized, abused, or perhaps they've just never experienced being a successful person. They will feel overwhelmed by circumstances, they will always feel they are under-performing, and they will place themselves below everyone else. They might walk into a restaurant and feel shy as people look at them walking to their table. At parties or in the company of other people, they will place themselves lower, or judge themselves in light of the people around them. Because of that insecurity and poor self-image, people have to compensate. When you meet a person who is a typical babbling brook: "Yak, yak, yak, I've done this, I've experienced that," they are trying to cover up their poor self-image, poor self-worth, and fear. They are covering up the fact that they are scared.

So, entering the truth of who you are, the silence within, is an incredibly holy, spiritual, and courageous thing to do. It is about accepting yourself as no more than what you are at this point in time.

There is an incredible spiritual power in accepting who you are, knowing, of course, that you can strengthen yourself at a later date.

Intuition, Sixth Sense & Psychic Abilities...

Q: What is the difference between the sixth sense, intuition, and psychic abilities?

A: They're all related to each other. A lot of the psychic abilities come from mental transfer.

You'll be with a person, and a thought will jump across from them, enabling you to pick up the direction they're going in their life, or some aspect of their thinking or their desires. A lot of psychic information is transferred like that.

Intuition often comes from the subliminal nature of perception. Sometimes you can pick up information subliminally, and a day later it will flash in your mind as intuition. But, in fact, it's not really a supernatural knowing; it's more a subtle knowing.

The example I've given in the past is that you might subliminally pick up on some fine noise in the engine of your car. Then you'll get in your car two or three days later and think, My God, we're going to break down. You think it's intuition when, in fact, you heard it in the subtle change in the engine noise, which indicated some technical problem or malfunction.

The sixth sense is all-knowing. As you discipline your life, exit the evolution and emotion of the Earth plane, and embrace the infinite self within, you become more connected to people and the whole energy of this evolution.

As you practice pulling information and ideas to you, you tune more into the sixth sense. In the end, you know what people are thinking and feeling, and you know where things are going. So the sixth sense is cool, because it saves you a lot of trouble, and it makes you wise.

Q: Many people suggest that it is more advantageous to trust one's inner guidance, or superconscious than information received psychically from the spirit world. But how do we know our inner guidance knows more than the inner guidance of a spirit being?

A: I think it's easy to get hung up on definitions between one's inner guidance, one's superconscious, one's Higher Self, psychic phenomena, and spirit worlds. Any information that comes to you, from wherever it comes to you, if it makes sense and is correct, then all's well and good.

If it doesn't make sense and is woo-woo, if it tells you to sell everything and give your money to some weirdo charity, then watch out. I think it's very much a matter of not getting hung up. If it feels good, step forward gingerly, and if you don't know, don't go.

Afraid of the Unknown

Q: You talk about people being afraid of moving into the unknown. How important is change in a person's life?

A: Naturally we are scared to move into the unknown because our personality relies a lot on the symbols, psychological structures, and associations we develop. We become comfortable in a society, and with a group of people -- work mates, family, and friends.

However, embracing change is a matter of giving away or letting go of old traits. It's all a matter of lowering your resistance and trusting. You can't become something more if you can't let go of where you find yourself today.

Change is perpetual. One way of evaluating your spirituality is by the freedom and looseness that you enjoy. It's the concept of being ready for perpetual change, for change means that your energy is oscillating quickly, your life is fresh, and you are in an expanding evolution.

The ego/personality likes to create rhythm and structure. It seeks to hold you in place, where it can feel safe, where you can develop associations, observers, status, and importance. The ego likes to nail you down. It doesn't like anything unexpected happening. Boring and stale feels safe to the ego.

The spiritual traveler moves at speed, holding on to very little, tolerating their challenges, and accepting life as they find it. Moving into the unknown is a matter of melting the resistance that one has to change, taking responsibility, and being able to accept that nothing is permanent and it doesn't have to be for you to feel secure. For in the end, we will all change and melt into something bigger and better.

That's the nature of the spiritual journey, and that's pretty cool in my view. Give yourself away today to become something more tomorrow.

Choosing Between Love & Spirituality?

Q: Both my relationship and my spiritual path are sacred to me, but it seems I must choose one over the other. Which is more important, a loving relationship with a partner who does not share my interest in spirituality, or a wonderful spiritual life without the partner of my dreams?

A: I think it's a terrible thing if you have to choose between your spirituality and your relationship. I certainly couldn't be in a relationship if my partner was antagonistic to my spiritual life and way of thinking. I think I could be in a relationship if they were neutral, though.

In modern relationships you often find that both parties might start out in a very Neanderthal tick-tock consciousness, then one party begins to work on themselves and really moves forward metaphysically and spiritually. This leaves the other Neanderthal member behind.

Sometimes that will work fine, because a compromise takes place, and metaphysics and spirituality are simply not discussed. Then sometimes you can evolve yourself out of a relationship because you're moving quickly and your partner isn't.

If you've grown way beyond your partner, you might have to leave. I can't imagine a relationship that was so magnificent I'd want to give up my metaphysics or spirituality or my path toward God. Somebody else might think differently, but that's my view.


Q: I have a burning desire to explore tantric sex, but my partner is not interested. What do you suggest?

A: This is a tough one. I think tantric sex manuals and books are laced with a lot of "ooh" and "aah" that doesn't amount to much. A lot of it is the raising of the kundalini from the root to the crown chakra, and I think you can do that quietly on your own. The heat of the sexual act creates energy, which you can mentally pull up the spine to the crown chakra. Visualizing it rising unblocks the etheric channel, and the power flows up the spine to the top of the head. You can create the effect of tantric sex without the other partner really knowing what's going on.


Q: How do you know when to persevere with a relationship and when to let go?

A: If you feel restricted or if you feel a tremendous amount of emotional pain, then you really need to see whether those knots and that restriction can be unraveled. If they can't, obviously it is the fault of the relationship and your reaction to the relationship, and you should probably let go.

What is the level of restriction you feel? What is the level of emotional pain you feel? Are you getting out of this relationship as much as you're putting in? If there is an overdraft, an imbalance in the emotional-energy bank account, then you need to reassess the relationship.

It seems weird that people nowadays are so scared of being on their own. Being on your own somehow seems like a failure. When you think about it, being on your own actually exhibits maturity.

Most people who think they need someone in order to feel safe and secure probably don't need anybody at all. In fact, they probably ought to live on their own for a bit and become self-sufficient.

Guilt, Shame, & Failure

Q: In step seven of your book and tape series Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power, you talk about guilt as a great human weakness. I was brought up in a family where I was made to feel guilty for everything, and find it difficult to transcend this deep-seated emotion. How would you suggest I banish guilt from my life -- not just on an intellectual level, but on a deep emotional level?

A: I think guilt and shame are two of the hardest emotions to go beyond because they usually come from the family of origin, and therefore from one's upbringing. Even though they are emotions that come from an opinion, the opinions are entrenched very deeply.

If someone was shamed as a child, you can't just say to the person, "Let go of the shame", because the shame is a profound part of who they are. So with shame and guilt, I think you need the assistance of a qualified counselor who can talk you through your inner-child experience. You can then begin to see how you took on those experiences in childhood, and that it was part of your evolution and how you dealt with growing up.

I believe the higher self has a vision of what it's going to be up to each lifetime. You accepted your family and their weaknesses. When they put guilt and shame upon you, they were usually expressing their own insecurity. Even though they may have been bastards, they were bastards because they were taught weakness by somebody else. It's quite a heroic thing for you to break the chain so that this isn't handed down to your children.


Q: I try so hard to be a success in life, but I seem to attract more failure than success. When I am successful, I can't accept it; and when I fail, I beat myself up about it.

A: 0ne of my favorite quotes was written by me: "Life: never take it personally." If you can get to a point where you don't take it personally, you are recognizing that you are a spirit, a golden light inside a funny little physical body. And inside the physical body is a funny little personality that really hasn't got a clue, and a funny little ego that needs nurturing.

That's what we are, just funny little people playing a game inside this thing called life. So, when you look at the contrast of the ego and the spirit, you can see that it is only a matter of controlling your personality, and the first point of your control is deciding that you are not going to be the personality.

In other words, are you that person? Are you your emotions? Are you your anguish? Are you your pain? Are you your success, your failure?

You're not. And if you think you are, I feel sorry for you.

You have a long, hard, painful journey ahead. You are a divine spirit, don't forget that.

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