Excerpts from

  "How to Make Our Mental Pictures Come True"
by George Schubel

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Book Description
1922. In How to Make Our Mental Pictures Come True, Schubel
presents a series of easy lessons in the art of visualizing. The lessons are presented in three parts. The first part is on the Mechanics of Visualizing and some of the topics include Photography of the Mind; Mental Camera-Eye, Mind's Range-Finder and Mind's Camera-Shutter. The Chemistry of Visualizing is the title of the second part. A partial list of the topics covered in this section are Sensitized Mind-Film, Mind's Image of Light and Developing Room of the Mind. Finally, the third part is on Technique of Visualizing and features Preparing our Thought-Object for Reproduction, Impressing our Imaged Thought, Reviewing our Developing Picture from Time to Time and Strengthening our Developing Thought. The book has 35 lessons.


AMONG the imaginative stories of our childhood days, who does not recall the charm which Aladdin and his wonderful lamp held for us? How marvelous were the things which came to pass each time that he rubbed it! How often in our childish imagination did we wish for just such a wonder-lamp which would provide us with all the things which our hearts desired!

Yet this fancy of childhood is father to a wonderful scientific fact possible of being demonstrated mentally, and of being universally used to satisfy every requirement of the human heart.

We are each one of us a mental wonder-lamp manifesting a form of power more marvelous than ever was the light which shone from Aladdin's lamp.

What is this form of power of which we speak? For want of something more comprehensive we call it the visualizing power of the mind. Yet it is more than this. Its action involves a whole series of manifestations. We observe that it formulates, differentiates, specializes, chemicalizes and projects itself in us and through us, so that by means of it our hearts' desires are formed into thought-images, and then by a further process of differentiation and specialization they are projected and materialized until they become the visible objects of our outwardly visible world.

What do we know about the nature of this form of mental power? Very little. It is barely as yet within the grasp of our comprehension. But we have taken cognizance of its operation and results just as we have of electricity, radio-activity and other forms of power.

In what manner does it operate? The question is best answered by observing its inner-conscious, inter-conscious and objectively unconscious working in us and through us.

In our lives we have noted very definitely that certain things which we have strongly desired and held as thought-images in our consciousness, have after a time "come true." From the seemingly invisible side of things they have made their appearance on the outwardly visible side of things. This is not a miracle. It is not some rare phenomenon. It is not even unusual. It is simply the normal continuous, unconscious functioning of this form of power.

Our natural desires are spontaneously and continuously shaping themselves into object of thought, and these into thought-image which are being impressed, developed and reproduced outwardly all the time.

By its action upon mind-substance our desires, or mental images, become concrete, outward realities, visible to the physical eye. That is how ALL THINGS which we are able to see, touch and otherwise outwardly sense in this world have come into outward existence either in a universalized or individualized sense.

Heretofore, this formulative process has been largely a haphazard one. Our needs for the most part subconscious, have simply brought this power into action automatically in a perfectly natural way, with more or less outward success. But now, in mental science we have begun to study the process by watching its operation within ourselves and others so that instead of an unregulated process it becomes one which can be regulated and controlled.

We have come to know the definite mental-mechanical action which is set in motion and the definite chemicalization which takes place; that these can be placed on a basis where they can be intelligently and deliberately controlled so that we are able first to select our desires; secondly to consciously shape these desires into objects of thought, and to establish them as thought-images in our consciousness; and then from this point on we can deliberately exercise this power so that what we desire and see inwardly, can be reproduced outwardly as a part of our outward world of things.

We are actually able to SEE inner things into outward existence.

There is no doubt whatever that this supreme form of mental power which we call visualizing, will be formulated finally into a definite and exact science to be used for all the legitimate purposes covered in this book, and in a consecrated way. May the following pages serve as definite outposts leading to this end.


by Genevieve Behrend

I FIND a definite joy in the fact that the first of George Schubel's series of books on visualizing has been put into printed form. There is a thirst for knowledge and an increasing need at the present day for books of this kind. Each day the study of mental science is becoming more and more resorted to by those persons who, discovering the futility of their struggle against the laws of our increasingly complex life of today, are learning to adjust themselves, and to work with these laws. When this is done they find that they are working in harmony with a power which enables them to accomplish what otherwise would be seemingly impossible things.

To those who are but slightly acquainted with the universal truths of applied mental science, I recommend this book. The author was one of my early students, and his own wonderful prosperity and success in business and financial affairs is, to my mind, the best demonstration of the facts which he offers to others in this present volume. He has given us a clear, analytical exposition of visualizing, and any imagined veil of mysticism which may have surrounded this subject in the past, has been removed under the strong and comprehensive light which he has thrown upon it.

In my own experience, visualizing for practical purposes came as an inspiration after reading Judge Troward's works on Mental Science. It provided the necessary means for my sojourn in England and my extensive studies as Troward's personal pupil, and, in the six years of my work in New York I have demonstrated the practicability of this power with most remarkable results personally and for others.

Visualizing is nothing more than the process of the impersonal, universal, unspecialized, undifferentiated Mind seeing itself into the specialized, the concrete, and the particular; bringing the inward seemingly unseen universe with all its multitudinous and ever-shaping forms into outwardly visible existence. It is a specialized operation from a specific center for the specific purpose of bringing substance into outward concrete form, and all that is necessary is for us to personalize this power for our particular needs.

When thus deliberately applied, visualizing can be made to do away with hospitals, asylums, prisons, charitable homes, and institutions now devoted to the correction of poverty, disease and crime. The desire of each individual heart whether for health, wealth, love, harmony, peace, beauty, happiness or whatever other form of good may be sought, can be materialized into the outward without breaking a single law of society, without injury to oneself or anyone else, or without taking anything away from anybody else.

Visualizing serves as the means of a never-ending source of supply for all. We are able to get all that we want out of the everywhere of substance from which our pictures take form. The limitlessness of what we may have out of this unlimited immensity is proportioned only by the limit of our own consent to or recognition of these resources.

In conclusion may I say that the time will come when visualizing will be taught in the schools and universities of the world as a natural science, thereby providing a single, direct and orderly means for securing all those things of life which we need for our welfare and happiness here. It is the greatest effort and time saver that has so far come to the consciousness of man because by means of it, depending upon our ability of application, we can see into materialization all those good things which we now obtain by such laborious mental and manual efforts.




IN establishing a basis for the study of visualizing, we can think of no more simple beginning than to compare it to photography.

The theory, the mechanical principles and the technique applying to both are the same. Visualizing is the inner process, while photography merely is the outer process. Or we can say that the one is the hidden process, the other is the hidden process revealed.

In visualizing, a method of mental operation is employed which brings into play a group of principles operating innerly in mind; photography employs a method of operation which brings into play this same group of principles, the difference being that they are operating outwardly in reproducing outward things.

The various mental movements necessary in reproducing the thought-images or mental objects of our consciousness are no different as we shall see from the various movements necessary on the part of the photographer in reproducing an outer object.

Briefly stated, visualizing is an inner application of certain principles of which we can become cognizant by observing the corresponding outer application which we call photography. In fact, photography is visualizing made outwardly visible to our objective senses, it is visualizing visualized into outward form so that outward things can be reproduced for us in the same manner in which they are reproduced in the mind. Hence, if we begin our studies by an understanding of the theory and working processes of photography, we will begin to understand the theory and working processes involved in mental-photography, and at the same time we will lay the basis for an exact and definite science of visualizing which will serve us at all times and for every purpose.

We know that when we apply the principles of photography; when we operate the mechanical parts of the camera — the lens, the range-finder, the shutter, in a certain way; and when we apply the proper chemical elements in a proper manner, then we are able to reproduce an object with unerring accuracy. So with the mental-mechanical and chemical principles and faculties involved in reproducing our desires and thought-images. When we apply them correctly we will get outward results that are just as definite, just as truthful, just as accurate reproductions as those produced by the intelligent photographer.

Of course, diligent study and application are necessary. The photographer could not be successful in his reproductions if he were not completely familiar with the essentials and methods involved in reproducing objects, and in the same manner we must be completely familiar with the essentials and methods involved in visualizing if we are to expect the same positive results. The law of cause and effect applies here as elsewhere.

In addition, we need to believe in the outcome of our work. Somewhat later we will touch more fully upon this point. Let us simply say here that we do not disbelieve the fact of photography; we do not doubt that its employment will bring about certain definite results in the matter of reproduction. So, as we go forward in our studies we will find that there is as little occasion to disbelieve the fact of visualizing, or to doubt that its employment in our affairs will bring about just as definite results.

For the present it is sufficient to believe that everything into which our desire can fashion itself already exists and has always existed as a paradigm in the pattern-mind of the Infinite, otherwise it could not be conceived or formulated in our own mind as an object We can refer to photography itself, for instance, to make this more clear. The camera first of all had to be an object in someone's mind before it took outward form. Some one thought of it, or in other words pictured it before it could be assembled in the form of a camera which we can touch and see. So with all the other devices which are a part of photography.

If then, the camera and all the other essentials of photography can reproduce and out-picture the object toward which they are directed, how much more easily is it possible for the inner photographic equipment of the mind under like suitable conditions to reproduce and out-picture the object of our hearts' desire toward which it is directed by means of proper thinking.

"How to Make Our Mental Pictures Come True"
by George Schubel

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