Excerpts from

Its Mentology & Psychology

F.W. Sears

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Book Description
1915. Sears Philosophy as taught in "The Books Without an If." series.

The Power of Concentration, when used
rightly, is man's greatest asset; but when used wrongly, ignorantly and unconsciously, as is the case with the very large majority of persons, it becomes a destructive force in their life and brings misery, sorrow, sickness, disease, loss, failure and lack to both body and environment.

In giving to the world the lessons contained herein the author has no desire to convert anyone; his work being solely that of a teacher.

The author KNOWS that anyone who will study and apply the lessons taught herein will be benefited more than money can ever repay. He KNOWS this both from his own experience as well as that of thousands of others to whom he has taught these truths either personally or through his books.

His work, however, is purely that of a teacher; you will have to do the applying, and unless you do this then neither the lessons, his knowledge of their value, nor the beneficial results which thousands of others have obtained will be of any use to you.

Persistency in the application of these lessons is part of the price one has to pay in order to obtain their real value.

No one else can "prove" their value to you but yourself.

Thousands of persons all over the world have proved their value for themselves, and the author gives you the method herein by which you, too, can prove their value for yourself, but you will have to do the work yourself, and it is for all who want to learn how to do this work for themselves that these lessons have been written and given to the world.

In the study of these lessons the author requests that you relax and "let go," getting rid of all strain, tenseness, anxiety, effort, and absorb their teachings rather than learn them only mentally.

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