Excerpts from

  All Power is Given Unto You
by Elinor S. Moody

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Book Description
In this excellent and very hard to find book from 1921, Elinor S. Moody presents twelve lessons explaining and illustrating the creating and attracting power of the mind, as taught and practised by New Thought. Elinor S. Moody was one of a number of gifted New Thought teachers whose books were published in the early 20th Century by Elizabeth Towne's publishing company.


Chapter 1 - Your Creative Mind       

Chapter 2 -  How to Use Your Creative Mind

Chapter 3 -  All Power is Given Unto You

Chapter 4 -  The Secret of Success   

Chapter 5 -  How to Concentrate

Chapter 6 -  Creative Power of the Word

Chapter 7 -  How to Use the Creative Power

Chapter 8 -  How to Speak the Creative Word

Chapter 9 -  Your Mind Dynamo

Chapter 10 - As Ye Sow   

Chapter 11 - How to Direct the Mind Dynamo

Chapter 12 - How to Create and Attract Your Own


With pleasure and good will, I commend this little volume to the kindly consideration of those for whom I have prepared it.

It is the recognition of many requests from students and others, that I explain as clearly us possible, the matters I have tried to cover in the book. My aim has been to emphasize and make personal Christ's teaching, the es­sence or reality of which many of us seem to lose in reading the Gospel.

If I have succeeded, as I hope I have done, the book will perhaps cast a ray of light along the way for some, who will need but this bit of enlightenment in order to take possession of the wonderful inheritance which is theirs today, and ever has been.

That all things are possible unto us, is truth, and when we know this as truth, and live that knowledge constantly, we soon arrive at the longed for goal of freedom.

For the past few years I have used the groundwork of these lesson-lectures as a basis for teach­ing the truth, and the call that the lessons be presented in book form has been so earnest and per-suasive that I have gladly prepared the manuscript for publication.

To anyone who will study and apply this truth in their daily living, asking and listening for the inspiration of the Almighty to enlighten the understanding, there will come a confident know-ledge and wisdom which will heal all diseases; and will also create and attract into each individual life not only sufficient for every need, but "exceeding, abundantly above all you can ask or even think."

Close the mind to the old ideas that have not brought peace, power and plenty, and with determined purpose to arrive at the goal of satisfaction, seek herein the key to Father's treasure house, remem-bering that He has said, "Seek, and ye shall find."

Elinor S. Moody (Portland, Maine, 1921.)

Chapter 1


THE mind is the realm or workshop from which all things proceed, and in due time become visible to the eyes or senses.

This workshop is always open and ready for business, making quick use of whatever ma­terial we provide. Thus it is up to us, as individuals, to live lives of satisfaction, or the reverse.

But this is more than a matter of knowing how. To be sure we must know how, but after that we must steadfastly determine to live that knowledge constantly and consistently.

Happy, contented and optimistic thoughts soon crystallize into similar conditions in our lives. While unhappy, discouraged and discontented thoughts just as surely, and naturally create after their kind.

And so have we, each one of us, created for ourselves the con-ditions in the midst of which we are this day living, whether those conditions are in accord with our desires or otherwise.

We are our own creators, and may create for ourselves whatsoever we desire. But let us remember that the things we create, whether by faith and trust or fear and doubt, are ours; and our own will come to us and will not go to another.

Nor can the things and conditions we create for ourselves be taken from us, until they have served their purpose in our lives and we are ready to pass them on, and replace them by something better for which we have daily been making ready.

Our own does not mean solely the things and conditions we desire, but rather the things upon which we fix the mind; the things with which we mentally relate ourselves, and by this mental relation create and in due season attract into visibility.

Thus, if we feed the mind with fear, doubt and worry thoughts, we are just as surely creating the things and conditions we think about as will be the case when we follow Paul's advice and think on the things of virtue and good report. As we think so we are, or so we shall create for ourselves; and the things and conditions we so create will naturally make themselves visible in and about us.

By fixing the conscious mind on a thing de­sired, or by allowing it to remain fixed on any­thing not desired, we shall impress that thing or condition on the inner, or so-called sub­conscious, mind. And in due season the inner mind will discover a way to express that thing in our lives in a perfectly natural manner, for there is very little of the supernatural in life.

"When we begin to "think on these things," diligently and with the intent to understand the meaning of life, we find it very largely a matter of cause and effect — God, the All Good, being the first great cause of all life.

Mind is the pattern by which the word creates, for before we speak into being the thing or condition which brings to us pleasure or pain, we have either consciously or un­consciously been fashioning that thing or con­dition in the mental workshop, have been impress-ing, as it were, this pattern on the creative substance within and all about us.

And it must come into sight, either in our acts or words, both of which express or objectify our thought children.

In this way do our thoughts build themselves into our personalities, and so become what we appear to be.

As Matthew says, "The light of the body is the eye"; and we shall observe, in most in­stances, that the eye is a rather accurate in­dicator of the development of the inner power or understanding. As the power of thought is cultivated and controlled, the eye lights up with the glow of satisfaction, confidence and harmony; while the eye of the non-thinker, who is content to plod along today in the path of yesterday, not altogether satisfied, perhaps, but without any definite idea of changing conditions, will indicate a lack of that inner energy or fire which would so quickly and surely light up the inner realm or workshop and produce the "outward or visible signs."

The inner mind does its work with the utmost precision, faithfully producing or expressing all impressions made upon it by the outer or con­scious mind, but of course it cannot express something that has not been given it by the outer mind. This is true even to the matter of building the face and figure in accord with the pattern provided by the conscious mind. This is worth remembering to those of us who would like to try re-constructing the physical self — the personality. And it is a fact that we can rebuild ourselves in accord with the most perfect physical pattern we are able to steadfastly and expectantly hold before the subconscious or inner mind.

In thinking of the inner and outer, or con­scious and subconscious minds, let us not think of them as separate minds — or as two minds; for such is not the truth and it is only the truth that will make us really free. There is but the one mind and we are all individual parts of that great whole, just as the fingers are parts of the hand and the nails parts of the fingers. To discuss the mind in any other way is misleading, and seems to add a good deal of mystery to the simple and natural working of the mental mechanism.

The outer and inner phases of mind are only seemingly separate and distinct; just as the action of the fingers is seemingly separate and distinct from the action of the wrist and arm. It is the oneness of action in each case that makes for real value, and while the outer or conscious mind ceases its action when we sleep, the inner or subconscious does not cease its action at that time. But when the outer mind becomes somewhat befogged and out of normal condition, the inner mind likewise seems to have somewhat suspended its operation, since it needs the impression of the conscious mind in order that it may express the things and conditions desired or mentally considered.

We have to get the impression before we can put forth, or cause to become visible, the expression.

And even after what we have called the inner or subconscious mind, science tells us there are still greater mental possibilities — that of the so-called super-conscious, of which I shall not speak here, since, for the purposes of this les­son, we shall do well to center our attention upon the natural working of the conscious and subconscious phases of mind alone.

Students of this subject tell us that the so-called subconscious realm is unlimited in its possibilities; that its storehouse of knowledge cannot be exhausted; that it holds the key to every problem and condition, and that when we have trained ourselves to turn to it quickly and confidently in time of need, it will always more than meet our expectation.

But do we do this, habitually? Or do we much more frequently entirely disregard this mental treasure house and go about declaring our inability to accomplish the thing desired? On excellent authority we have this declara­tion: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

The answer to our problem is always within, if we will search for it. If we will first think so, and then call confidently upon this great inner source of all knowledge to supply us with the needed ideas and ability.

If each one of us would learn, at all times, to confidently call upon the great inner source of supply, expecting to receive the assistance sought, no life need be one of failures; for with this inner mind all things are possible, when we learn to rely upon it.

The conscious idea, or the information in sight at the moment, is as nothing compared to the inexhaustible supply which is always within, simply waiting to be recognized and called into action. And to this limitless supply we are constantly adding; though much of the time it may be done unconsciously.

But all this information that comes to us in the various ways, and of so much of which we are practically unconscious, duly classifies itself and produces fruit after its kind; whether it be to our satisfaction or otherwise. All the trifles over which we worry and fret are duly impressed upon this great inner field of con­sciousness, and are likely to express in our lives if we give them space in which to grow and come to maturity.

Right at hand, within ourselves, is "all that we can ask, or even think," in the way of help, if we will only learn to believe in it and receive of it. We need to think as to the meaning of that strong and simple promise, "Ask and ye shall receive." And if our asking is aright, failure is impossible.

Here is another interesting fact: The great inner storehouse of all knowledge uses the physical eye as a sort of advertising medium, and as one becomes accustomed to looking within for his or her supply of knowledge, the eye becomes constantly more indicative of the limitless power shining through it. It is in­teresting, as well as enlightening, to note the difference in degree of character indicated upon the faces of the men and women with whom we mix and mingle each day.

Regardless of the scope of the inner mind, it takes note of the minutest message sent it by the outer or conscious mind, and unerringly produces the thing or condition it is impressed to do. We must, however, furnish it with a pattern by which to work, or much of its re­markable power and ability will be lost to us, as is steam, gas or electricity when allowed to operate without careful direction, or for a specific purpose.

If we would constantly profit by the limitless power of this great inner realm, we must know just what we desire; must have a purpose in life. We must be ready to use the things and conditions desired; must know how to con­centrate our thought force for good; must be able to mentally sketch or draw the thing or condition we desire to attract to ourselves.

Having passed such a pattern to the inner or subconscious realm or workshop, we may cease all doubts and fears and expectantly await the arrival of our own — the thing or condition we have created for ourselves and which is ours.

The inner mind will provide a way to ex­press for us the thing we have impressed upon it, even giving to us the good measure, pressed down and running over, Father has promised; and it will do the work for us in a perfectly natural manner — so natural, many times, that we almost doubt that our own has come to us, and set it down as merely a wonderful happening, quite apart from the workings of the Spirit within.

This means study, of course, for we must first know what the law is, and then we must learn how to consciously connect with the all power with certainty and confidence — both in ourselves and in it. But this is well worthwhile. We would hardly expect to reap a profitable harvest had we failed in performing the necessary work in promoting its growth.

By the same natural law we obtain the benefits of the kingdom of all good. We must earn the right to have them before we may expect our rewards. And by earning the right to them, I mean we must do as our Father has told us to do on each and every occasion; and we must be happy in the doing, for we shall find cheerful obedience means much when it comes to receiving our "good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over."

But having made "straight the way," there is no end to the achievements and attainments to which we may look forward, with perfect confidence in the promise, "Before they call I will answer and send them the desires of their hearts." The matter of obtaining the things and conditions we desire is always in our own hands. But it means work, and if any of us are deceiving ourselves with the idea that demonstrating whatsoever we will is only a matter of knowing the password or counter­sign, we are on the wrong scent or road, and it will be profitable for us to stop right here and get a new start in accord with Christ's "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work."

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