50 Success Classics
Winning Wisdom for Life and Work
from 50 Landmark Books

Tom Butler-Bowden

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Book Description
This is a great condensed volume of success advice. Butler-Bowden does the hard work for you, and in one volume you get the "meat" of 50 books. And, these 50 are some pretty hefty books. Some contemporary, some classic, but all contain valuable kernels of information. The author includes a brief biography of the authors of the books he has chosen, and in many instances, those stories are just as inspiring.

In the Introduction, Butler-Bowdon observes that "When we think of success writing it is often the motivational classics that first come to mind, and the titles in this [volume] represent the historical development of the genre....While all of the books have been bestsellers [and many continue to be], the main criterion for their inclusion was their impact and renown, or whether they filled a niche in terms of a particular subject or person....The leaders discussed are not specific markers for your own success -- it is generally not a good idea to compare yourself to other people -- but their stories illustrate a `way' of success that anyone can follow."

Butler-Bowdon selected fifty important books from success literature. For each, he has created digest versions, summarizing each volume in only a few pages, distilling its key points. He has also provided biographical information on each author, and attempted to explain why each book is relevant, placing it in a larger context.

Books covered include: The One Minute Manager by Blanchard & Johnson (1981); The Richest Man in Babylon by Clason (1926); The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Covey (1989); The Way to Wealth by Franklin (1758); How to Be Rich by Getty (1961); Think and Grow Rich by Hill (1937); Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Kiyosaki (1997); The Art of War by Sun Tzu (4th century BCE); See You at the Top by Ziglar (1975); and many, many more.

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