Healing the Planet: Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marianne Williamson


Imagining the future—and a healthy planet with healthy, loving human beings living well on it—has been the essence of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s work for the last several decades. Born of Jewish agnostic parents in 1929, Barbara experienced her mother’s death and World War II while in her teens. Her response was to study world religions, questioning the assumptions and exploring the boundaries.  When she graduated from college she met Dwight Eisenhower and asked him “the purpose of our power,” to which the newly elected President replied “I don’t know.” She married, had children, and studied the emerging writers of the 1960s. In 1966 she had a mystical vision of the evolution of the universe—a vision which has guided her work ever since.

Hubbard’s books, including Positive Futures, Conscious Evolution, and Revelation, have consistently provided visions—and methods for achieving those visions—for a way of life and governance that honor individuals and the ecosystems they depend on. She even ran for Vice President of the United States in 1984 on such a platform. Currently, she is head of the Center for Conscious Evolution in Northern California.

Recently, Ms. Hubbard has been joined by New Thought minister (her church is in Warren, Michigan) Marianne Williamson, whose many popular books, including Illuminata, A Woman’s Worth, and A Return to Love have brought these ideas to a new level of acceptance in this country. Williamson, a babyboomer, grew up in a traditional ‘50s home with a lawyer father and a stay-at-home mother. She explored a number of careers, including cocktail waitress and lounge singer, before she began lecturing on A Course in Miracles in the 1980s. Her recent book, The Healing of America, has synthesized New Thought principles with A Course in Miracles and ecosystem management practices to provide a whole-system approach to transforming American culture.

Together with a dozen or so other New Thought leaders, these remarkable women are working to create a new American renaissance—founded in a shift in consciousness and new kinds of relationships. They have helped to form an international network of people committed to a way of relating based on acknowledgement that we are all part of one great whole. [70]  

From the Introduction to the new edition of Healing of America:

Love is its own brand of genius. Our only true enemy is neither people nor institutions, but fear-laden thoughts that cling to our insides and sap us of our strength. Yet love casts out fear, the way light casts out darkness. Our greatest political power, now, is to fear nothing and love everything; then all things will heal.

 Love is the only power powerful enough to lift the chains of bondage off the human race and cast them off for good. When the material world has been won by the opponent, go otherworldly to find your victory.

From the Preface:

The principles that apply to our personal healing apply as well to the healing of the larger world. First, all healing principles are universal because they come from God. And second, there actually is no objective outer world, for what's out there is merely a projection of what's in our minds. The laws of consciousness apply to everything.

Anything, when truly seen for what it is and surrendered to the higher mind, begins to self-correct. But what is not looked at is doomed to eternal re-enactment, for an individual or for a nation.

A new, spiritually based social activism is beginning to assert itself. It stems not from hating what is wrong and trying to fight it, but from loving what could be and making the commitment to  bring it forth. A nonviolent political dynamic is once again emerging, and it is a beacon of light at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Its goal, as in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., is "the establishment of the              beloved community." Nothing less will heal our hearts and nothing less will heal the world.


The Global Renaissance Alliance, which Williamson co-founded with Neal Donald Walsh, has Ms. Hubbard and Depak Chopra on the board, along with other similarly minded leaders. The Alliance’s program called Healing 2000 is specifically created to encourage the application of New Thought principles to global issues.

Using the principles outlined by all New Thought healers, they have led activities in consciousness that have helped to turn around massive societal processes overnight.

 For example, when a second war with Iraq seemed inevitable, Hubbard and Williamson and their network went to work to create a new idea in consciousness—one that didn’t include the possibility of war.  Their work paid off; against all odds and expectations, the tension fizzled out at the last minute and there was no conflict.

Since then, numerous events have been redirected or de-fused when the people around the world who make up their network have denied the reality of anything other than peace, harmony, love, and wellbeing for all—and affirmed the supremacy of those qualities in the situation.

When people pray or meditate—particularly in numbers, and particularly in concert—an invisible field of intention begins to vibrate within the regions of human possibility. Spiritual power converts the patterns of limitation and fear into channels of love and breakthrough.

The more we do this around the globe, and the more of us join in, the greater the lifting of the vibratory veil.

To bear witness to human suffering, to pour forth our love upon the regions and situations in the world where pain and even torture rule, to pray for both victim and perpetrator FOR IN SPIRIT THEY ARE ONE, is to foster the materialization of a more peaceful, loving world.

… This is a powerful opportunity for the creation of a global spiritual intention. As we spiritually join with each other, and thus align with the love of God, we co-create a space in which miracles happen naturally. In A Course In Miracles, it is written that while we think we have many different problems, we actually only have one: our separation from God. So it is that while the problems of the world seem extraordinarily complex, the answer to all of them is profoundly simple: that we return en masse to the love in our hearts.

One month, for instance, we will perhaps concentrate our meditations and prayers on Northern Ireland, … another month on race relations in the United States, … another month on global warming, another month on the children of the world.... but always with the same spiritual intention: that there be love raining down from the consciousness of heaven, permeating every molecule and redeeming every heart, that peace might prevail on earth. ... Thus we will literally be agents of healing for all the world. This is how we deal with "issues," from a spiritual perspective. [71]

These women and their friends are teaching us that the principles and practices developed and used by the great healers of the New Thought tradition work for societies as well as individuals; for the planet as well as the person. They’ve demonstrated that healing is far more than overcoming individual dis-ease.


[70] Originally called the Association for Global New Thought, their group is now the Global Renaissance Alliance.

[71] From the Global Renaissance website, the “Healing 2000” page.

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